Oktober 2021 Algarve – Cabo de Sao Vincente, Cabranosa, Furnas, Alvor, Rio Arade, Villamoura, Sao Lourenco, Lagoa dos Salgados, Fuseta.
pagina 1: Europese kanarie, Tapuit, Rotszwaluw, Roodborsttapuit, Iberische Tjiftjaf, IJsvogel, St.Helenafazantje.
pagina 2: Visarend, Oehoe, Zwarte wouw, Dwergarend, Aasgier, Vale gier, Monniksgier.
pagina 3: Purperkoet, Steltkluut, Dodaars, Drieteenstrandloper.
pagina 4: Lepelaar, Zwarte ooievaar, Koereiger, Kleine Zilverreiger, Flamingo, Woudaap.
pagina 5: Audouinsmeeuw, Geelpootmeeuw, Jan-van-Gent, Grote Mantelmeeuw, Kuhl’s pijlstormvogel
pagina 6: Kleine Jager, Grote Jager.
pagina 7: Wilsons stormvogeltje, Stormvogeltje.
pagina 8: Turkse Tortel, Raaf, Alpenkraai, Rotsduif, Hop, Beflijster.
pagina 9: Tijgerblauwtje, Gele Luzernevlinder, Zwervende heidelibel, Asilus barbarus, Blauwvleugel sprinkhaan
pagina 10: Flora.
pagina 11: Couleur locale.
Lokale gids Simon Wates schrijft over determinatie van Iberische tjiftjaf:
The Chiffchaff – apart from the first photo where the primary projection does look on the long side for Common Chiffchaff, its too difficult – even in excellent photos like yours it would be hard to examine the minor differences in the flight feather lengths/formula – that needs to be done in the hand. Iberian Chiffchaffs do feel different than CC in the field when you get used to them – especially so in the spring. Basically though, what I am saying is without a call – its almost impossible to be sure. Cosmetically, the colours of the birds in your photo do present some IC tones – but these overlap with CC.
Note that post breeding passage of IC starts in July and peaks through mid-late August and into early September here in the Algarve. Birds in October are quite infrequent – though one was calling a few days ago at Cabranosa! Common Chiffchaffs start to arrive late Sept/early Oct – and in force through the middle of Oct – and then they winter hear till mid March ish – just when the Iberians come to breed in our Cork Oak habitats in the inland Algarve. Its easy then, they are singing and they are so different!