Kunst & Vliegwerk

cultuur en natuur als rode draad in mijn fotocollectie


Oktober 2021 Algarve – Cabo de Sao Vincente, Cabranosa, Furnas, Alvor, Rio Arade, Villamoura, Sao Lourenco, Lagoa dos Salgados, Fuseta.

pagina 1: Europese kanarie, Tapuit, Rotszwaluw, Roodborsttapuit, Iberische Tjiftjaf, IJsvogel, St.Helenafazantje.

pagina 2: Visarend, Oehoe, Zwarte wouw, Dwergarend, Aasgier, Vale gier, Monniksgier.

pagina 3: Purperkoet, Steltkluut, Dodaars, Drieteenstrandloper.

pagina 4: Lepelaar, Zwarte ooievaar, Koereiger, Kleine Zilverreiger, Flamingo, Woudaap.

pagina 5: Audouinsmeeuw, Geelpootmeeuw, Jan-van-Gent, Grote Mantelmeeuw, Kuhl’s pijlstormvogel

pagina 6: Kleine Jager, Grote Jager.

pagina 7: Wilsons stormvogeltje, Stormvogeltje.

pagina 8: Turkse Tortel, Raaf, Alpenkraai, Rotsduif, Hop, Beflijster.

pagina 9: Tijgerblauwtje, Gele Luzernevlinder, Zwervende heidelibel, Asilus barbarus, Blauwvleugel sprinkhaan

pagina 10: Flora.

pagina 11: Couleur locale.

Europese kanarie

Lokale gids Simon Wates schrijft over determinatie van Iberische tjiftjaf:

The Chiffchaff – apart from the first photo where the primary projection does look on the long side for Common Chiffchaff, its too difficult – even in excellent photos like yours it would be hard to examine the minor differences in the flight feather lengths/formula – that needs to be done in the hand. Iberian Chiffchaffs do feel different than CC in the field when you get used to them – especially so in the spring. Basically though, what I am saying is without a call – its almost impossible to be sure.  Cosmetically, the colours of the birds in your photo do present some IC tones – but these overlap with CC.

Note that post breeding passage of IC starts in July and peaks through mid-late August and into early September here in the Algarve. Birds in October are quite infrequent – though one was calling a few days ago at Cabranosa! Common Chiffchaffs start to arrive late Sept/early Oct – and in force through the middle of Oct – and then they winter hear till mid March ish – just when the Iberians come to breed in our Cork Oak habitats in the inland Algarve. Its easy then, they are singing and they are so different!

Iberische? tjiftjaf
Iberische? tjiftjaf
Iberische? tjiftjaf
Iberische? tjiftjaf

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Thema door Anders Norén